Setting Up R Preferences with .Rprofile

Different clusters have different hardware and softwares. So, if you have access to multiple clusters, you must install your R packages separately for each cluster. Each cluster has multiple versions of R and packages installed with one version of R may not work with another version of R. So, libraries for each R version must be installed in a separate directory. You can define the directory where your R packages will be installed using the environment variable R_LIBS_USER.

For your convenience, a sample .Rprofile example file is provided that can be downloaded to your cluster account and renamed into ~/.Rprofile (or appended to one) to customize your installation preferences. Detailed instructions:

curl -#LO https://www.rcac.purdue.edu/files/knowledge/run/examples/apps/r/Rprofile_example
mv -ib Rprofile_example ~/.Rprofile

The above installation step needs to be done only once on each of the clusters you have access to. Now load the R module and run R to confirm the unique libPaths:

module load r/4.2.2
R> .libPaths()
[1] "/home/zhan4429/R/bell/4.2.2-gcc-9.3.0-xxbnk6s"
[2] "/apps/spack/bell/apps/r/4.2.2-gcc-9.3.0-xxbnk6s/rlib/R/library"

Challenging packages

Below are packages users may have difficulty in installation.


In Bell, the installation may fail due to the default cmake version is too old. The solution is easy, users just need to load the newer versions of cmake:

module load cmake/3.20.6
module load r
Rscript -e 'install.packages("nloptr")'

In Brown or other older clusters, because our system’s cmake and gcc compilers are old, we may not be able to install the latest version of nloptr. The walkaround is that users can install the older versions of nloptr:

module load r
 > myrepos = c("https://cran.case.edu")
 > install.packages("devtools", repos = myrepos)
 > library(devtools)
 > install_version("nloptr", version = "> 1.2.2, < 2.0.0", repos = myrepos)

Error: C++17 standard requested but CXX17 is not defined

When users want to install some packages, such as colourvalues, the installation may fail due to Error: C++17 standard requested but CXX17 is not defined. Please follow the below command to fix it:

module load r
module spider gcc
module load gcc/xxx  ## the lateste gcc is recommended
mkdir -p ~/.R
echo 'CXX17 = g++ -std=gnu++17 -fPIC' > ~/.R/Makevars
> install.packages("xxxx")